Live TV can be unpredictable, no matter how much you rehearse your lines or study the script.

Things can go awry when the cameras start rolling, like when a talk show guest inexplicably started stripping, leaving the host pretending to be embarrassed while sneaking a few photos. Comedian Sasha Baron Cohen is known for his outrageous antics that entertain both audiences and senior citizens.

Australians have a knack for saying exactly what they think, sometimes with colorful language unsuitable for breakfast TV, as one host found out when they accidentally quoted Shakira lyrics on air. Live demonstrations can also go hilariously wrong, like a martial arts expert who failed to break a brick on Hawaii Sunrise, exposing the fake setup.

Conan O’Brien couldn’t keep a straight face when his focus was tested during a segment, and an old man dancing on Italian TV came across as creepy rather than entertaining. Sometimes, anchors don’t even realize they’re live, like a presenter who awkwardly fixed her hair and made faces for two minutes before realizing she was on air. Late-night TV hosts often enjoy perks, as seen when a yoga instructor used a host as a wall for a move called the “Scorpion.”

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