It Was The Most Famous Scene Ever, But Was Never Meant To Happen

“Pretty Woman,” a beloved romantic comedy, underwent significant changes before its release, including a much darker original ending where Edward abandons Vivian and her friend Kat dies from an overdose.

Richard Gere initially found the script disappointing, but Julia Roberts persuaded him to join the cast. The famous poster features manipulated images of Gere and a body double for Roberts. Deleted scenes include a gang fight and a horseback riding scene.

Originally titled “Three Thousand Dollars,” the film’s name changed to avoid sounding like sci-fi. Despite its success, a sequel was never made, partly due to director Garry Marshall’s passing in 2016.

Roberts, unable to drive legally, performed car scenes herself. Iconic costumes like Vivian’s red jacket were thrift store finds. Many stars, including John Travolta and Sylvester Stallone, auditioned for roles. Porsche and Ferrari refused to feature their cars, leading to a surge in Lotus Esprit sales. A prank during the bathtub scene had lasting effects on Roberts’ dyed hair, requiring an emergency touch-up due to detergent use. The $250,000 necklace used in the film was guarded by armed security on set. Molly Ringwald was initially considered for Vivian but declined, later expressing regret.

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